The Art of Perception: Artistic Perception and Self-Expression Workshops in Melbourne

February at Dya Australia was a journey into the depths of ‘Eyes and Perception.’ This month, we explored how the eyes not only see but also communicate, interpret, and even feel. Join us as we look back at the insightful explorations and activities that illuminated this theme. Corporate Program Highlight: Unleash Your Inner Picasso – […]

The Art of Time: January’s Creative Exploration at Dya Australia

art of creative thinking

Exploring the concept of time, Dya Australia’s art and creative thinking workshops in Melbourne offer unique opportunities for team building and educational enrichment. Our programs, tailoured for both the corporate sphere and schools, foster creative thinking and collaboration through art. Team Building Through Art: Picasso Mural and More     For corporate groups looking for […]

Dya Australia Has Reached New Heights in 2022, Let’s Recap

art workshops melbourne

2022 has by far been the busiest year. With offices and schools reopening, every individual and business has gone through a variety of ups and downs to get back to their routine. It was quite a challenging year for Dya too, but like everyone else, we pushed through and continued to achieve success beyond our […]

Encourage Creativity in Children with Visual Impairments? – Dya Australia

How Can You Encourage Creativity Amongst Children and Young Adults With Visual Impairments? Visual impairment can range in several different levels of sight loss. Everyone that has a visual impairment condition has their own experiences and tools they use to navigate day to day life. Imagine if you were partially or fully blind or even […]

How Does Creative Training Dismantle Barriers?

How does creative training dismantle barriers? By Diti Avdar Yeger When we need to find solutions to new situations, and even though we really want to give the best of ourselves, we struggle to find solutions that will lead to our advancement. The dive into an unfamiliar field and the need to get acquainted with it, […]

Looking Onward and Seeing Inward – Dya Australia

da vinci

Looking Onward and Seeing Inward By Diti Advar-Yeger Since 1999 I have been practicing, learning, investigating, developing and facilitating an exercise as part of The Art Of Creative Thinking, with the aim of uncovering the potential of my inner resources.  As the sculptor carves into the marble to reveal the sculpture within, so it is with […]

The Way to Discovering the Way

By Diti Avdar Yeger At every given moment I find myself on a journey to self discovery.  It begins with planning my daily schedule, and extends to the deeply existential level of considering my place in the world.  This may sound like an illusive quest, but in reality it is a space and place in which […]

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