Collaborative Wall Mural

Collaborative Wall Mural

Join this unique art experience and connect with your school community

Dya Australia have 24 years experience in serving local communities with special, customised and engaging The Art of Creative Thinking projects.

Whether it is a mural, communal artwork, urban space redesign, one off workshop or a special event, we are able to create an experience that inline with your organisation’s values and vision.

After you enquire, we will schedule a consultation session to determine what is the event and needs, then we will gather some ideas and schedule another session with the solutions we have found.

Just let us know your budget, number of people and the nature of the event and Dya’s creative team will come up with the perfect idea – anything from 1 hour to a whole day, to a 10 sessions program.

We look forward working with you in creating an engaging and memorable experience to your community.

Learning outcomes:




Open mindedness / Inclusiveness

Learning outcomes:

Aus: Victorian curriculum

“I think we all have a great night on Tuesday and everyone enjoy such a different experience from our usual social event (e.g. lasertag or GO Kart). I will definitely do the review online and refer this to our colleagues whoever are looking to organise this kind of social event.
Again, thanks you so much for the loving night that your instructors have brought to us and hopefully we will have you guys coming again in the future”

Dya for


Dya for


Dya for
